Impact of age-associated increase in 29-O-methylation of miRNAs on aging and neurodegeneration in Drosophila

Variety of miRNA isoforms depends on biological context: stage of development, tissue, disease. Article discovering possible role of miRNA modification and changes in RNA-interference was published in January issue of "Genes and Development".

Loading of miRNA into Ago2-RISC complex increases during aging comparing to Ago1-RISC complex. Ago2 complex suggests more effective mechanism of RNA-interference and more prominent decrease in target gene expression Researchers demonstrated that 2’O-metylation of miRNA are more likely to be involved into Ago2-complex, but not into Ago1.

Mutations in Hen1 and Ago2, which lack 2’O-metylation, and Ago2 result in accelerated neurodegeneration and shorter lifespan in Drosophila.

It’s possible that by shifting miRNA from Ago1 towards Ago2 during aging allows organism to adjust the efficiency of target gene expression for ongoing or upcoming age-associated stresses.

Variety of miRNA isoforms depends on biological context: stage of development, tissue, disease. Article discovering possible role of miRNA modification and changes in RNA-interference was published in January issue of